OklahomaCityThunder (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 gilgeous-alexan   PG 75 33.5  796 1489 .535  95  269 .353  567  649 .874   8.2 30.1
 2 williams,jalen    SF 71 30.8  536  993 .540 103  241 .427  180  221 .814   5.3 19.1
 3 holmgren,chet     PF 82 29.0  505  953 .530 129  349 .370  218  275 .793   5.1 16.5
 4 giddey,josh       SG 80 24.7  402  847 .475  82  243 .337  100  124 .806   4.6 12.3
 5 dort,luguentz     SF 79 28.0  288  658 .438 156  396 .394  128  156 .821   4.4 10.9
 6 joe,isaiah        SG 78 18.1  222  485 .458 147  353 .416   45   52 .865   4.5  8.2
 7 wiggins,aaron     SG 78 15.2  212  377 .562  62  126 .492   56   71 .789   1.2  6.9
 8 wallace,cason     PG 82 20.1  217  442 .491  98  234 .419   29   37 .784   1.5  6.8
 9 hayward,gordon    SF 26 16.7   48  106 .453  15   29 .517   27   39 .692  -0.0  5.3
10 williams,kenric   SF 69 14.4  131  280 .468  56  141 .397    7   14 .500   2.2  4.7
11 dieng,ousmane     SF 33 10.6   49  116 .422  21   70 .300   14   16 .875   0.0  4.0
12 williams,jaylin   SF 69 12.5   95  228 .417  53  144 .368   33   41 .805   1.8  4.0
13 mann,tre          PG 13  8.7   20   40 .500   8   19 .421    1    1 1.00  -0.4  3.8
14 waters,lindy      SF 38  7.0   49  104 .471  37   85 .435    2    2 1.00  -0.9  3.6
15 micic,vasilije    SF 30 11.6   37   91 .407  11   45 .244   14   19 .737   3.7  3.3
16 bertans,davis     SF 15  5.7   10   26 .385  10   24 .417   14   15 .933   1.6  2.9
17 sarr,olivier       C 15  6.1   11   19 .579   2    6 .333   10   15 .667   0.1  2.3
18 biyombo,bismack    C 10  7.0    7   12 .583   0    0 .000    4    8 .500  -0.3  1.8
19 flagler,adam      SG  2  6.5    1    7 .143   1    6 .167    0    0 .000   0.0  1.5
20 johnson,keyonta   SF  9  6.8    5   16 .312   1    3 .333    0    0 .000  -0.8  1.2
21 pokusevski,alek   SF 10  5.5    4   16 .250   2   11 .182    2    4 .500  -3.4  1.2
22 muscala,mike       C 16  5.4    8   22 .364   1   11 .091    0    1 .000  -0.1  1.1

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gilgeous-alexan   466  6.2 151  2.0 161  2.1  68  0.9   0  0.0 31.7  65 0.9  415  5.5
 2 williams,jalen    321  4.5  81  1.1 123  1.7  45  0.6   0  0.0 19.7  37 0.5  283  4.0
 3 holmgren,chet     200  2.4  51  0.6 131  1.6 190  2.3   0  0.0 20.2 129 1.6  647  7.9
 4 giddey,josh       386  4.8  51  0.6 168  2.1  44  0.6   0  0.0 15.8 111 1.4  513  6.4
 5 dort,luguentz     113  1.4  72  0.9  74  0.9  47  0.6   0  0.0  9.8  74 0.9  284  3.6
 6 joe,isaiah         99  1.3  46  0.6  47  0.6  22  0.3   0  0.0  7.9  32 0.4  180  2.3
 7 wiggins,aaron      86  1.1  56  0.7  56  0.7  19  0.2   0  0.0  7.6  60 0.8  186  2.4
 8 wallace,cason     120  1.5  76  0.9  45  0.5  37  0.5   0  0.0  7.9  52 0.6  187  2.3
 9 hayward,gordon     42  1.6  12  0.5  15  0.6   1  0.0   0  0.0  6.1  13 0.5   64  2.5
10 williams,kenric    93  1.3  38  0.6  32  0.5   9  0.1   0  0.0  6.1  61 0.9  209  3.0
11 dieng,ousmane      37  1.1   8  0.2  19  0.6   5  0.2   0  0.0  4.0  10 0.3   51  1.5
12 williams,jaylin   110  1.6  28  0.4  34  0.5  27  0.4   0  0.0  6.3  36 0.5  234  3.4
13 mann,tre           20  1.5   3  0.2   9  0.7   0  0.0   0  0.0  4.9   4 0.3   24  1.8
14 waters,lindy       24  0.6   5  0.1   7  0.2   7  0.2   0  0.0  3.7   7 0.2   40  1.1
15 micic,vasilije     76  2.5   9  0.3  29  1.0   3  0.1   0  0.0  4.1   1 0.0   24  0.8
16 bertans,davis       9  0.6   3  0.2   1  0.1   3  0.2   0  0.0  3.2   2 0.1   10  0.7
17 sarr,olivier        2  0.1   0  0.0   3  0.2   7  0.5   0  0.0  3.2  10 0.7   36  2.4
18 biyombo,bismack     2  0.2   1  0.1   4  0.4   3  0.3   0  0.0  2.2   5 0.5   18  1.8
19 flagler,adam        4  2.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.0   0 0.0    0  0.0
20 johnson,keyonta     4  0.4   1  0.1   4  0.4   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.8   4 0.4   10  1.1
21 pokusevski,alek     5  0.5   1  0.1   3  0.3   1  0.1   0  0.0  0.8   2 0.2   10  1.0
22 muscala,mike        4  0.2   1  0.1   4  0.2   1  0.1   0  0.0  1.1   7 0.4   21  1.3

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19338 3653 7327  .499 1090 2805 .389 1451 1760 .824 9847 133.61 120.1
Opponents 19379 3330 7325  .455 1102 3053 .361 1481 1876 .789 9243 115.56 112.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2223 1547  694  969  539    0    0  722 3446  42.0
Opponents 2205 1550  581 1233  420    0    0  969 3665  44.7

Record 57 - 25         Home 33 -  8         Away 24 - 17

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 gilgeous-alexan  2514 2254   45.33   0 184   0  75  618  43.04
 2 williams,jalen   2187 1355   30.75   0 175   2  71  378  29.74
 3 holmgren,chet    2377 1357   33.49   0 197   1  82  420  27.40
 4 giddey,josh      1973  986   30.73   0 111   0  80  371  23.99
 5 dort,luguentz    2210  860   16.77   0 229   2  79  346  18.68
 6 joe,isaiah       1409  636   21.00   0  87   0   1  349  21.67
 7 wiggins,aaron    1188  542   24.10   0  91   0   4   92  21.90
 8 wallace,cason    1649  561   18.85   0 130   1  13  125  16.33
 9 hayward,gordon    434  138   17.55   0  21   0   3   -1  15.26
10 williams,kenric   993  325   20.34   0 101   0   1  149  15.71
11 dieng,ousmane     351  133   18.13   0  22   0   0    1  18.19
12 williams,jaylin   864  276   24.27   0  98   0   1  123  15.33
13 mann,tre          113   49   27.27   0   3   0   0   -5  20.81
14 waters,lindy      265  137   25.13   0  23   0   0  -35  24.82
15 micic,vasilije    348   99   16.82   0  22   0   0  110  13.66
16 bertans,davis      86   44   26.51   0  10   0   0   24  24.56
17 sarr,olivier       91   34   25.48   0  18   0   0    1  17.93
18 biyombo,bismack    70   18   15.36   0   7   0   0   -3  12.34
19 flagler,adam       13    3    7.38   0   0   0   0    0  11.08
20 johnson,keyonta    61   11    5.31   0   5   0   0   -7   8.66
21 pokusevski,alek    55   12    7.42   0   5   0   0  -34  10.47
22 muscala,mike       87   17    9.54   0   8   0   0   -2   9.38

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gilgeous-alexan     8.9    2.9    3.1    1.3    0.0    1.2    7.9
 2 williams,jalen      7.0    1.8    2.7    1.0    0.0    0.8    6.2
 3 holmgren,chet       4.0    1.0    2.6    3.8    0.0    2.6   13.1
 4 giddey,josh         9.4    1.2    4.1    1.1    0.0    2.7   12.5
 5 dort,luguentz       2.5    1.6    1.6    1.0    0.0    1.6    6.2
 6 joe,isaiah          3.4    1.6    1.6    0.7    0.0    1.1    6.1
 7 wiggins,aaron       3.5    2.3    2.3    0.8    0.0    2.4    7.5
 8 wallace,cason       3.5    2.2    1.3    1.1    0.0    1.5    5.4
 9 hayward,gordon      4.6    1.3    1.7    0.1    0.0    1.4    7.1
10 williams,kenric     4.5    1.8    1.5    0.4    0.0    2.9   10.1
11 dieng,ousmane       5.1    1.1    2.6    0.7    0.0    1.4    7.0
12 williams,jaylin     6.1    1.6    1.9    1.5    0.0    2.0   13.0
13 mann,tre            8.5    1.3    3.8    0.0    0.0    1.7   10.2
14 waters,lindy        4.3    0.9    1.3    1.3    0.0    1.3    7.2
15 micic,vasilije     10.5    1.2    4.0    0.4    0.0    0.1    3.3
16 bertans,davis       5.0    1.7    0.6    1.7    0.0    1.1    5.6
17 sarr,olivier        1.1    0.0    1.6    3.7    0.0    5.3   19.0
18 biyombo,bismack     1.4    0.7    2.7    2.1    0.0    3.4   12.3
19 flagler,adam       14.8    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
20 johnson,keyonta     3.1    0.8    3.1    0.0    0.0    3.1    7.9
21 pokusevski,alek     4.4    0.9    2.6    0.9    0.0    1.7    8.7
22 muscala,mike        2.2    0.6    2.2    0.6    0.0    3.9   11.6