AtlantaHawks (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 johnson,joe       SG 82 40.7  632 1395 .453 128 360 .356  261  330 .791 20.2
 2 harrington,al     SF 76 36.6  551 1220 .452  66 191 .346  243  350 .694 18.6
 3 pachulia,zaza      C 78 31.4  307  681 .451   0   2 .000  297  404 .735 11.7
 4 smith,josh        SF 80 32.0  329  774 .425  34 110 .309  210  292 .719 11.3
 5 lue,tyronn        PG 51 24.2  192  418 .459  58 127 .457  118  138 .855 11.0
 6 childress,josh    SF 74 30.4  278  504 .552  32  65 .492  154  201 .766 10.0
 7 stoudamire,salim  PG 61 20.2  204  492 .415  82 216 .380   99  110 .900  9.7
 8 williams,marvin   SF 79 24.7  235  531 .443  13  53 .245  189  253 .747  8.5
 9 grundy,anthony    PG 12  9.0   19   38 .500   5  15 .333    9   14 .643  4.3
10 ivey,royal        PG 73 13.4  116  264 .439   4  10 .400   24   33 .727  3.6
11 delk,tony         PG  1  7.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  2.0
12 batista,esteban    C 56  8.9   34   80 .425   0   1 .000   33   53 .623  1.8
13 edwards,john       C 40  7.4   31   64 .484   0   0 .000    8   11 .727  1.8
14 smith,donta       SG 23  5.8   15   27 .556   2   4 .500    6   12 .500  1.7
15 thomas,john       PF 11  6.1    3    7 .429   0   0 .000    3    4 .750  0.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 johnson,joe       536  6.5 103  1.3 267  3.3  31  0.4 20.2  98 1.2  335  4.1
 2 harrington,al     238  3.1  85  1.1 195  2.6  14  0.2 16.7 132 1.7  523  6.9
 3 pachulia,zaza     129  1.7  89  1.1 180  2.3  39  0.5 13.2 264 3.4  613  7.9
 4 smith,josh        191  2.4  64  0.8 162  2.0 208  2.6 14.4 176 2.2  531  6.6
 5 lue,tyronn        157  3.1  26  0.5  75  1.5   3  0.1 10.1  13 0.3   82  1.6
 6 childress,josh    131  1.8  86  1.2 101  1.4  39  0.5 13.3 134 1.8  387  5.2
 7 stoudamire,salim   75  1.2  27  0.4  82  1.3   3  0.0  6.9  12 0.2  116  1.9
 8 williams,marvin    63  0.8  48  0.6  83  1.1  24  0.3  8.6 122 1.5  383  4.8
 9 grundy,anthony      9  0.8   7  0.6   9  0.8   0  0.0  4.3   1 0.1   17  1.4
10 ivey,royal         74  1.0  24  0.3  23  0.3   7  0.1  3.2  31 0.4   96  1.3
11 delk,tony           0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  3.0   1 1.0    2  2.0
12 batista,esteban     7  0.1  15  0.3  38  0.7  11  0.2  2.2  61 1.1  144  2.6
13 edwards,john        5  0.1   3  0.1  12  0.3  15  0.4  1.4  18 0.5   48  1.2
14 smith,donta         9  0.4   8  0.3   4  0.2   0  0.0  1.9   3 0.1   14  0.6
15 thomas,john         1  0.1   2  0.2   4  0.4   0  0.0  0.8   3 0.3   10  0.9

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19886 2946 6496  .454  424 1154 .367 1656 2207 .750 7972 100.36  97.2
Opponents 19895 3075 6433  .478  436 1189 .367 1768 2372 .745 8354 110.98 101.9

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1625 2053  587 1235  394   19    0    0 1069 3301  40.3
Opponents 1691 1855  597 1168  418   18    0    0  981 3316  40.4

Record 26 - 56         Home 18 - 23         Away  8 - 33

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 johnson,joe      3340 1653   23.81   0   0   0 187   0  82  23.76
 2 harrington,al    2781 1411   21.89   0   0   0 301   5  76  24.35
 3 pachulia,zaza    2452  911   20.18   9   0   0 286   6  78  17.83
 4 smith,josh       2561  902   21.61   5   0   0 260   5  73  16.91
 5 lue,tyronn       1233  560   20.03   2   0   0 113   2  10  21.80
 6 childress,josh   2248  742   21.09   0   0   0 184   1  10  15.84
 7 stoudamire,salim 1234  589   16.40   0   0   0 118   1   1  22.91
 8 williams,marvin  1954  672   16.66   1   0   0 227   1   7  16.51
 9 grundy,anthony    108   52   23.00   0   0   0  14   0   0  23.11
10 ivey,royal        976  260   11.40   1   0   0 147   1  66  12.79
11 delk,tony           7    2   20.57   0   0   0   0   0   0  13.71
12 batista,esteban   496  101   12.00   1   0   0 110   2   3   9.77
13 edwards,john      296   70    9.00   0   0   0  76   1   4  11.35
14 smith,donta       133   38   15.97   0   0   0  20   0   0  13.71
15 thomas,john        67    9    5.91   0   0   0  10   0   0   6.45

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 johnson,joe         7.7    1.5    3.8    0.4    1.4    4.8
 2 harrington,al       4.1    1.5    3.4    0.2    2.3    9.0
 3 pachulia,zaza       2.5    1.7    3.5    0.8    5.2   12.0
 4 smith,josh          3.6    1.2    3.0    3.9    3.3   10.0
 5 lue,tyronn          6.1    1.0    2.9    0.1    0.5    3.2
 6 childress,josh      2.8    1.8    2.2    0.8    2.9    8.3
 7 stoudamire,salim    2.9    1.1    3.2    0.1    0.5    4.5
 8 williams,marvin     1.5    1.2    2.0    0.6    3.0    9.4
 9 grundy,anthony      4.0    3.1    4.0    0.0    0.4    7.6
10 ivey,royal          3.6    1.2    1.1    0.3    1.5    4.7
11 delk,tony           0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    6.9   13.7
12 batista,esteban     0.7    1.5    3.7    1.1    5.9   13.9
13 edwards,john        0.8    0.5    1.9    2.4    2.9    7.8
14 smith,donta         3.2    2.9    1.4    0.0    1.1    5.1
15 thomas,john         0.7    1.4    2.9    0.0    2.1    7.2