ChicagoBulls (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 gordon,ben        SG 80 31.1  486 1152 .422 166 382 .435  211  268 .787 16.9
 2 hinrich,kirk      PG 81 36.5  451 1078 .418 126 341 .370  256  314 .815 15.9
 3 deng,luol         SF 78 33.4  442  954 .463  21  78 .269  207  276 .750 14.3
 4 nocioni,andres    SF 82 27.3  383  831 .461  93 238 .391  204  242 .843 13.0
 5 songaila,darius   PF 62 21.4  236  491 .481   2   5 .400   94  115 .817  9.2
 6 duhon,chris       PG 74 29.1  215  538 .400 100 278 .360  117  143 .818  8.7
 7 sweetney,mike     PF 66 18.6  200  444 .450   0   0 .000  133  204 .652  8.1
 8 chandler,tyson     C 79 26.8  160  283 .565   0   1 .000   97  193 .503  5.3
 9 allen,malik       PF 54 13.0  121  247 .490   1   1 1.00   23   38 .605  4.9
10 harrington,othel  PF 72 11.5  135  273 .495   0   0 .000   77  123 .626  4.8
11 pargo,jannero     PG 57 11.3  109  292 .373  39 103 .379   17   21 .810  4.8
12 thomas,tim        SF  3 10.3    6   16 .375   1   6 .167    0    0 .000  4.3
13 basden,eddie      SG 19  7.4   15   37 .405   1   7 .143    8   10 .800  2.1
14 piatkowski,eric   SG 29  7.9   24   61 .393   9  33 .273    2    5 .400  2.0
15 schenscher,luke    C 20  7.5   16   26 .615   0   0 .000    4   13 .308  1.8
16 graham,stephen    SG  3  6.3    1    5 .200   1   4 .250    2    2 1.00  1.7
17 thomas,james      PF  7  3.7    3    6 .500   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.9
18 holcomb,randy     SF  4  2.8    1    1 1.00   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.5
19 livingston,randy  PG  5  4.4    0    2 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gordon,ben        240  3.0  75  0.9 180  2.2   5  0.1 12.6  43 0.5  219  2.7
 2 hinrich,kirk      514  6.3  94  1.2 188  2.3  21  0.3 17.2  29 0.4  288  3.6
 3 deng,luol         147  1.9  72  0.9 105  1.3  50  0.6 15.6 127 1.6  516  6.6
 4 nocioni,andres    117  1.4  40  0.5 120  1.5  52  0.6 13.6  89 1.1  500  6.1
 5 songaila,darius    88  1.4  35  0.6  85  1.4  16  0.3  8.6  76 1.2  246  4.0
 6 duhon,chris       373  5.0  70  0.9 117  1.6   3  0.0 12.3  28 0.4  220  3.0
 7 sweetney,mike      59  0.9  19  0.3  95  1.4  56  0.8  8.1 118 1.8  350  5.3
 8 chandler,tyson     81  1.0  41  0.5 123  1.6 104  1.3 11.5 265 3.4  714  9.0
 9 allen,malik        20  0.4  14  0.3  34  0.6  16  0.3  4.5  44 0.8  140  2.6
10 harrington,othel   39  0.5   7  0.1  61  0.8  13  0.2  3.7  54 0.8  154  2.1
11 pargo,jannero      94  1.6  24  0.4  61  1.1   2  0.0  3.8   8 0.1   61  1.1
12 thomas,tim          2  0.7   0  0.0   1  0.3   1  0.3  3.1   0 0.0    4  1.3
13 basden,eddie        8  0.4   9  0.5   9  0.5   2  0.1  2.5   7 0.4   28  1.5
14 piatkowski,eric    13  0.4   6  0.2  11  0.4   1  0.0  1.7   4 0.1   23  0.8
15 schenscher,luke     7  0.3   1  0.0   5  0.2   3  0.1  2.3   8 0.4   29  1.4
16 graham,stephen      1  0.3   0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0  1.0   0 0.0    3  1.0
17 thomas,james        0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.4   4 0.6    8  1.1
18 holcomb,randy       0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.5   1 0.2    1  0.2
19 livingston,randy    1  0.2   1  0.2   1  0.2   0  0.0  0.0   1 0.2    4  0.8

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19910 3004 6737  .446  560 1477 .379 1452 1967 .738 8020 103.78  97.8
Opponents 19913 2773 6515  .426  501 1428 .351 1921 2472 .777 7968 102.86  97.2

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1804 2038  508 1197  345   27    0    0  906 3508  42.8
Opponents 1652 1883  612 1169  419   34    0    0  881 3421  41.7

Record 41 - 41         Home 21 - 20         Away 20 - 21

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 gordon,ben       2484 1349   19.54   0   0   0 238   2  47  26.07
 2 hinrich,kirk     2955 1284   22.64   6   0   0 251   4  81  20.86
 3 deng,luol        2603 1112   22.47   2   0   0 128   1  56  20.51
 4 nocioni,andres   2240 1063   23.82   3   0   0 252   3  43  22.78
 5 songaila,darius  1328  568   19.28   1   0   0 157   2   7  20.53
 6 duhon,chris      2155  647   20.30   4   0   0 152   0  38  14.41
 7 sweetney,mike    1228  533   20.82   1   0   0 209   4  44  20.83
 8 chandler,tyson   2121  417   20.50   8   0   0 298  14  50   9.44
 9 allen,malik       700  266   16.66   0   0   0  92   0  20  18.24
10 harrington,othel  826  347   15.50   2   0   0 131   1  23  20.16
11 pargo,jannero     642  274   16.02   0   0   0  57   1   0  20.49
12 thomas,tim         31   13   14.32   0   0   0   1   0   0  20.13
13 basden,eddie      141   39   16.34   0   0   0  17   0   0  13.28
14 piatkowski,eric   229   59   10.27   0   0   0  20   0   1  12.37
15 schenscher,luke   149   36   15.06   0   0   0  21   0   0  11.60
16 graham,stephen     19    5    7.58   0   0   0   3   0   0  12.63
17 thomas,james       26    6   17.54   0   0   0   3   0   0  11.08
18 holcomb,randy      11    2    8.73   0   0   0   2   0   0   8.73
19 livingston,randy   22    0    0.55   0   0   0   6   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gordon,ben          4.6    1.4    3.5    0.1    0.8    4.2
 2 hinrich,kirk        8.3    1.5    3.1    0.3    0.5    4.7
 3 deng,luol           2.7    1.3    1.9    0.9    2.3    9.5
 4 nocioni,andres      2.5    0.9    2.6    1.1    1.9   10.7
 5 songaila,darius     3.2    1.3    3.1    0.6    2.7    8.9
 6 duhon,chris         8.3    1.6    2.6    0.1    0.6    4.9
 7 sweetney,mike       2.3    0.7    3.7    2.2    4.6   13.7
 8 chandler,tyson      1.8    0.9    2.8    2.4    6.0   16.2
 9 allen,malik         1.4    1.0    2.3    1.1    3.0    9.6
10 harrington,othel    2.3    0.4    3.5    0.8    3.1    8.9
11 pargo,jannero       7.0    1.8    4.6    0.1    0.6    4.6
12 thomas,tim          3.1    0.0    1.5    1.5    0.0    6.2
13 basden,eddie        2.7    3.1    3.1    0.7    2.4    9.5
14 piatkowski,eric     2.7    1.3    2.3    0.2    0.8    4.8
15 schenscher,luke     2.3    0.3    1.6    1.0    2.6    9.3
16 graham,stephen      2.5    0.0    2.5    0.0    0.0    7.6
17 thomas,james        0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    7.4   14.8
18 holcomb,randy       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    4.4    4.4
19 livingston,randy    2.2    2.2    2.2    0.0    2.2    8.7