PortlandTrailBlazers (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 aldridge,lamarcu  PF 69 36.2  652 1423 .458   3  15 .200  296  360 .822   5.3 23.2
 2 lillard,damian    PG 82 35.8  553 1303 .424 218 554 .394  371  426 .871   4.4 20.7
 3 matthews,wesley   SG 82 33.9  445 1010 .441 201 511 .393  252  301 .837   3.7 16.4
 4 batum,nicolas     SF 82 36.1  381  819 .465 145 402 .361  163  203 .803   4.0 13.0
 5 lopez,robin        C 82 31.8  355  644 .551   0   1 .000  198  242 .818   3.8 11.1
 6 williams,mo       PG 74 24.8  280  672 .417  83 225 .369   78   89 .876   1.0  9.7
 7 mccollum,c.j.     PG 38 12.6   74  178 .416  30  80 .375   23   34 .676  -0.5  5.3
 8 wright,dorell     SF 68 14.4  111  296 .375  69 202 .342   52   69 .754   0.8  5.0
 9 robinson,thomas   PF 70 12.5  141  294 .480   0   1 .000   57  101 .564  -1.2  4.8
10 barton,will       SG 41  9.4   65  156 .417  10  33 .303   26   32 .812  -0.4  4.0
11 freeland,joel     PF 52 13.9   77  161 .478   0   2 .000   20   29 .690   0.5  3.3
12 leonard,meyers     C 40  8.9   41   91 .451   0   6 .000   16   21 .762  -2.2  2.5
13 claver,victor     SF 21  8.7   17   42 .405   3  18 .167   10   11 .909   1.1  2.2
14 crabbe,allen      SG 15  6.5   12   33 .364   6  14 .429    3    4 .750   0.1  2.2
15 watson,earl       PG 24  6.8    3   11 .273   2   7 .286    4    4 1.00  -0.4  0.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 aldridge,lamarcu  178  2.6  64  0.9 122  1.8  69  1.0 24.8 166 2.4  766 11.1
 2 lillard,damian    455  5.5  64  0.8 193  2.4  22  0.3 20.0  35 0.4  288  3.5
 3 matthews,wesley   199  2.4  76  0.9 109  1.3  14  0.2 15.5  51 0.6  289  3.5
 4 batum,nicolas     420  5.1  75  0.9 209  2.5  57  0.7 19.9 116 1.4  611  7.5
 5 lopez,robin        73  0.9  26  0.3  84  1.0 139  1.7 16.4 326 4.0  698  8.5
 6 williams,mo       321  4.3  55  0.7 149  2.0  10  0.1  9.6  42 0.6  153  2.1
 7 mccollum,c.j.      27  0.7  14  0.4  35  0.9   2  0.1  3.6   7 0.2   48  1.3
 8 wright,dorell      64  0.9  23  0.3  39  0.6  16  0.2  6.2  29 0.4  191  2.8
 9 robinson,thomas    34  0.5  23  0.3  57  0.8  20  0.3  6.0 105 1.5  307  4.4
10 barton,will        33  0.8   9  0.2  18  0.4   7  0.2  4.2  16 0.4   74  1.8
11 freeland,joel      36  0.7  10  0.2  33  0.6  22  0.4  5.4  87 1.7  207  4.0
12 leonard,meyers     18  0.5   7  0.2  15  0.4   5  0.1  3.4  26 0.7  111  2.8
13 claver,victor      12  0.6   3  0.1  11  0.5   3  0.1  3.0   9 0.4   39  1.9
14 crabbe,allen        6  0.4   2  0.1   3  0.2   1  0.1  1.7   1 0.1    9  0.6
15 watson,earl        28  1.2   5  0.2  17  0.7   1  0.0  1.0   5 0.2   15  0.6

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19865 3207 7133  .450  770 2071 .372 1569 1926 .815 8753 121.88 106.7
Opponents 19867 3248 7201  .451  534 1504 .355 1396 1822 .766 8426 112.51 102.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1904 1576  456 1094  388   28    0    0 1021 3806  46.4
Opponents 1675 1698  639  951  304   24    0    0  942 3564  43.5

Record 54 - 28         Home 31 - 10         Away 23 - 18

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu 2496 1603   32.90   2   0   0 147   1  69  367  30.83
 2 lillard,damian   2935 1695   26.86   3   0   0 197   1  82  359  27.72
 3 matthews,wesley  2783 1343   21.90   7   0   0 176   0  82  303  23.16
 4 batum,nicolas    2958 1070   26.47   1   0   0 156   1  82  329  17.36
 5 lopez,robin      2611  908   24.80   6   0   0 196   2  82  314  16.69
 6 williams,mo      1835  721   18.55   4   0   0 197   1   0   73  18.86
 7 mccollum,c.j.     478  201   13.81   0   0   0  53   0   0  -20  20.18
 8 wright,dorell     981  343   20.55   0   0   0  62   0  13   54  16.78
 9 robinson,thomas   877  339   23.12   3   0   0 131   1   0  -87  18.55
10 barton,will       387  166   21.27   1   0   0  31   0   0  -17  20.59
11 freeland,joel     724  174   18.71   1   0   0  95   0   0   27  11.54
12 leonard,meyers    356   98   18.34   0   0   0  76   0   0  -88  13.21
13 claver,victor     182   47   16.35   0   0   0  16   0   0   23  12.40
14 crabbe,allen       98   33   12.61   0   0   0  10   1   0    2  16.16
15 watson,earl       164   12    7.17   0   0   0  33   0   0   -9   3.51

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu    3.4    1.2    2.3    1.3    3.2   14.7
 2 lillard,damian      7.4    1.0    3.2    0.4    0.6    4.7
 3 matthews,wesley     3.4    1.3    1.9    0.2    0.9    5.0
 4 batum,nicolas       6.8    1.2    3.4    0.9    1.9    9.9
 5 lopez,robin         1.3    0.5    1.5    2.6    6.0   12.8
 6 williams,mo         8.4    1.4    3.9    0.3    1.1    4.0
 7 mccollum,c.j.       2.7    1.4    3.5    0.2    0.7    4.8
 8 wright,dorell       3.1    1.1    1.9    0.8    1.4    9.3
 9 robinson,thomas     1.9    1.3    3.1    1.1    5.7   16.8
10 barton,will         4.1    1.1    2.2    0.9    2.0    9.2
11 freeland,joel       2.4    0.7    2.2    1.5    5.8   13.7
12 leonard,meyers      2.4    0.9    2.0    0.7    3.5   15.0
13 claver,victor       3.2    0.8    2.9    0.8    2.4   10.3
14 crabbe,allen        2.9    1.0    1.5    0.5    0.5    4.4
15 watson,earl         8.2    1.5    5.0    0.3    1.5    4.4