BrooklynNets (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 durant,kevin      SF 55 37.2  578 1114 .519 115  300 .383  372  409 .910   4.9 29.9
 2 irving,kyrie      SG 29 37.7  289  616 .469 100  239 .418  118  129 .915   4.2 27.4
 3 harden,james      SG 44 37.0  292  706 .414 102  307 .332  304  350 .869   0.5 22.5
 4 curry,seth        SG 19 29.8  104  211 .493  58  124 .468   18   21 .857   4.2 14.9
 5 aldridge,lamarc    C 47 22.3  252  459 .549  14   46 .304   89  102 .873   0.4 12.9
 6 drummond,andre     C 24 22.4  119  195 .610   0    1 .000   44   82 .537   2.2 11.8
 7 mills,patty       PG 81 29.0  324  795 .408 227  568 .400   48   59 .814   1.5 11.4
 8 harris,joe        SF 14 29.9   56  124 .452  41   88 .466    5    6 .833   1.3 11.3
 9 brown,bruce       SG 72 24.7  256  506 .506  38   94 .404   97  128 .758  -0.7  9.0
10 claxton,nicolas    C 47 20.7  178  264 .674   0    0 .000   54   93 .581  -0.6  8.7
11 thomas,cameron    SG 67 17.5  218  503 .433  47  174 .270   87  105 .829  -2.1  8.5
12 dragic,goran      PG 16 25.4   44  117 .376  12   49 .245   17   23 .739   1.8  7.3
13 griffin,blake      C 56 17.1  133  312 .426  38  145 .262   55   76 .724  -1.7  6.4
14 sharpe,day'ron    PF 32 12.2   86  149 .577   2    7 .286   24   41 .585   1.8  6.2
15 edwards,kessler   SF 48 20.6  110  267 .412  48  136 .353   16   19 .842  -1.2  5.9
16 bembry,deandre'   SF 48 19.8  121  214 .565  15   36 .417   21   35 .600  -0.4  5.8
17 johnson,james     PF 62 19.2  144  306 .471  23   85 .271   29   55 .527  -1.0  5.5
18 duke,david        SG 22 15.5   39  108 .361   9   37 .243   17   21 .810  -0.5  4.7
19 carter,jevon      PG 46 12.0   58  174 .333  42  127 .331    7   10 .700  -0.7  3.6
20 millsap,paul       C 24 11.2   32   85 .376   6   27 .222   12   17 .706   0.1  3.4
21 galloway,langst   SG  4 14.8    5   13 .385   2    8 .250    0    0 .000   2.2  3.0
22 ennis,james       SF  2  6.5    2    7 .286   1    2 .500    0    0 .000   4.5  2.5
23 harrison,shaqui   PG  2 11.0    2    6 .333   0    2 .000    0    0 .000  -2.0  2.0
24 gabriel,wenyen    PF  1  1.0    0    0 .000   0    0 .000    0    0 .000   3.0  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 durant,kevin      351  6.4  48  0.9 191  3.5  52  0.9   0  0.0 30.3  29 0.5  407  7.4
 2 irving,kyrie      167  5.8  41  1.4  73  2.5  17  0.6   0  0.0 24.4  15 0.5  126  4.3
 3 harden,james      447 10.2  55  1.2 212  4.8  31  0.7   0  0.0 26.4  42 1.0  351  8.0
 4 curry,seth         49  2.6  18  0.9  25  1.3   3  0.2   0  0.0 12.9   4 0.2   49  2.6
 5 aldridge,lamarc    42  0.9  14  0.3  43  0.9  47  1.0   0  0.0 13.4  73 1.6  258  5.5
 6 drummond,andre     34  1.4  22  0.9  36  1.5  24  1.0   0  0.0 16.1  93 3.9  248 10.3
 7 mills,patty       183  2.3  48  0.6  73  0.9  19  0.2   0  0.0  9.0  18 0.2  157  1.9
 8 harris,joe         14  1.0   8  0.6  16  1.1   2  0.1   0  0.0  9.2   5 0.4   56  4.0
 9 brown,bruce       148  2.1  77  1.1  57  0.8  53  0.7   0  0.0 11.5 100 1.4  345  4.8
10 claxton,nicolas    43  0.9  25  0.5  38  0.8  52  1.1   0  0.0 11.6  91 1.9  264  5.6
11 thomas,cameron     78  1.2  33  0.5  55  0.8   8  0.1   0  0.0  6.6  16 0.2  161  2.4
12 dragic,goran       77  4.8  14  0.9  33  2.1   3  0.2   0  0.0  8.5  11 0.7   51  3.2
13 griffin,blake     105  1.9  28  0.5  31  0.6  14  0.2   0  0.0  7.8  60 1.1  228  4.1
14 sharpe,day'ron     17  0.5  10  0.3  30  0.9  15  0.5   0  0.0  7.2  81 2.5  160  5.0
15 edwards,kessler    31  0.6  29  0.6  42  0.9  24  0.5   0  0.0  5.7  44 0.9  172  3.6
16 bembry,deandre'    60  1.2  46  1.0  30  0.6  25  0.5   0  0.0  7.7  39 0.8  153  3.2
17 johnson,james     130  2.1  30  0.5  48  0.8  34  0.5   0  0.0  6.9  51 0.8  215  3.5
18 duke,david         17  0.8  14  0.6   9  0.4   5  0.2   0  0.0  4.6  30 1.4   67  3.0
19 carter,jevon       46  1.0  14  0.3  26  0.6  10  0.2   0  0.0  2.9   9 0.2   67  1.5
20 millsap,paul       24  1.0   5  0.2  11  0.5  12  0.5   0  0.0  4.5  29 1.2   89  3.7
21 galloway,langst     5  1.2   0  0.0   5  1.2   0  0.0   0  0.0  2.0   1 0.2    8  2.0
22 ennis,james         0  0.0   1  0.5   0  0.0   1  0.5   0  0.0  3.2   2 1.0    5  2.5
23 harrison,shaqui     3  1.5   1  0.5   2  1.0   1  0.5   0  0.0  2.7   1 0.5    4  2.0
24 gabriel,wenyen      0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.8   0 0.0    1  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 3442 7251  .475  940 2602 .361 1434 1781 .805 9258 118.33 112.9
Opponents 19773 3340 7397  .452 1026 2974 .345 1488 1888 .788 9194 113.51 112.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2071 1670  581 1086  452    0    0  844 3642  44.4
Opponents 1954 1616  650 1016  401    0    0  927 3616  44.1

Record 44 - 38         Home 20 - 21         Away 24 - 17

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 durant,kevin     2047 1643   39.02   0 113   0  55  269  38.53
 2 irving,kyrie     1092  796   31.13   0  81   0  29  121  34.99
 3 harden,james     1626  990   34.23   0 105   0  44   23  29.23
 4 curry,seth        567  284   20.82   0  47   0  19   79  24.04
 5 aldridge,lamarc  1050  607   28.77   0  78   1  12   19  27.75
 6 drummond,andre    537  282   34.49   0  71   0  24   53  25.21
 7 mills,patty      2346  923   14.97   0 112   1  48  119  18.88
 8 harris,joe        418  158   14.73   0  31   0  14   18  18.14
 9 brown,bruce      1780  647   22.39   0 176   1  45  -47  17.45
10 claxton,nicolas   971  410   26.88   0 110   0  19  -29  20.27
11 thomas,cameron   1174  570   18.10   0  66   0   2 -139  23.30
12 dragic,goran      407  117   16.10   0  37   0   6   28  13.80
13 griffin,blake     960  359   21.95   0  95   2  24  -94  17.95
14 sharpe,day'ron    391  198   28.36   0  60   2   8   57  24.31
15 edwards,kessler   990  284   13.17   0  85   0  23  -60  13.77
16 bembry,deandre'   951  278   18.56   0 104   0  20  -17  14.03
17 johnson,james    1193  340   17.12   0 162   4  10  -59  13.68
18 duke,david        340  104   14.17   0  36   0   7  -10  14.68
19 carter,jevon      550  165   11.53   0  45   0   1  -30  14.40
20 millsap,paul      270   82   19.32   0  48   0   0    2  14.58
21 galloway,langst    59   12    6.43   0   5   0   0    9   9.76
22 ennis,james        13    5   24.00   0   0   0   0    9  18.46
23 harrison,shaqui    22    4   11.89   0   3   0   0   -4   8.73
24 gabriel,wenyen      1    0   38.40   0   0   0   0    3   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 durant,kevin        8.2    1.1    4.5    1.2    0.0    0.7    9.5
 2 irving,kyrie        7.3    1.8    3.2    0.7    0.0    0.7    5.5
 3 harden,james       13.2    1.6    6.3    0.9    0.0    1.2   10.4
 4 curry,seth          4.1    1.5    2.1    0.3    0.0    0.3    4.1
 5 aldridge,lamarc     1.9    0.6    2.0    2.1    0.0    3.3   11.8
 6 drummond,andre      3.0    2.0    3.2    2.1    0.0    8.3   22.2
 7 mills,patty         3.7    1.0    1.5    0.4    0.0    0.4    3.2
 8 harris,joe          1.6    0.9    1.8    0.2    0.0    0.6    6.4
 9 brown,bruce         4.0    2.1    1.5    1.4    0.0    2.7    9.3
10 claxton,nicolas     2.1    1.2    1.9    2.6    0.0    4.5   13.1
11 thomas,cameron      3.2    1.3    2.2    0.3    0.0    0.7    6.6
12 dragic,goran        9.1    1.7    3.9    0.4    0.0    1.3    6.0
13 griffin,blake       5.2    1.4    1.6    0.7    0.0    3.0   11.4
14 sharpe,day'ron      2.1    1.2    3.7    1.8    0.0    9.9   19.6
15 edwards,kessler     1.5    1.4    2.0    1.2    0.0    2.1    8.3
16 bembry,deandre'     3.0    2.3    1.5    1.3    0.0    2.0    7.7
17 johnson,james       5.2    1.2    1.9    1.4    0.0    2.1    8.7
18 duke,david          2.4    2.0    1.3    0.7    0.0    4.2    9.5
19 carter,jevon        4.0    1.2    2.3    0.9    0.0    0.8    5.8
20 millsap,paul        4.3    0.9    2.0    2.1    0.0    5.2   15.8
21 galloway,langst     4.1    0.0    4.1    0.0    0.0    0.8    6.5
22 ennis,james         0.0    3.7    0.0    3.7    0.0    7.4   18.5
23 harrison,shaqui     6.5    2.2    4.4    2.2    0.0    2.2    8.7
24 gabriel,wenyen      0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   48.0