
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 theus,reggie      SG 81 36.5  583 1247 .468  52 144 .361  292  343 .851 18.6
 2 coleman,derrick   PF 74 35.2  514 1100 .467  13  38 .342  323  442 .731 18.4
 3 blaylock,mookie   PG 72 35.9  432 1039 .416  14  91 .154  139  176 .790 14.1
 4 morris,chris      SF 79 32.3  409  962 .425  45 179 .251  179  244 .734 13.2
 5 bowie,sam          C 62 30.9  314  723 .434   4  22 .182  169  231 .732 12.9
 6 petrovic,drazen   SG 43 20.5  211  422 .500  22  59 .373   99  115 .861 12.6
 7 anderson,cadilla  ??  1 18.0    4    4 1.00   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  8.0
 8 gervin,derrick    PF 56 13.3  164  394 .416   7  28 .250   90  114 .789  7.6
 9 dudley,chris       C 61 25.6  170  417 .408   0   0 .000   94  176 .534  7.1
10 haley,jack        PF 78 15.1  161  343 .469   0   0 .000  112  181 .619  5.6
11 mills,terry       PF 38 14.2   78  168 .464   0   2 .000   31   44 .705  4.9
12 hinson,roy         C  9 10.1   20   39 .513   0   0 .000    1    3 .333  4.6
13 conner,lester     PG 35 14.0   58  111 .523   0   2 .000   29   42 .690  4.1
14 george,tate       PG 56 10.6   80  193 .415   0   2 .000   32   40 .800  3.4
15 buechler,jud      SF 74 11.6   94  226 .416   1   4 .250   43   66 .652  3.1
16 lee,kurk          ?? 48  5.5   19   71 .268   3  15 .200   25   28 .893  1.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 theus,reggie      378  4.7  85  1.0 252  3.1  35  0.4 16.0  69 0.9  229  2.8
 2 coleman,derrick   163  2.2  71  1.0 217  2.9  99  1.3 19.7 269 3.6  759 10.3
 3 blaylock,mookie   441  6.1 169  2.3 207  2.9  40  0.6 14.0  67 0.9  249  3.5
 4 morris,chris      220  2.8 138  1.7 185  2.3  96  1.2 15.1 210 2.7  521  6.6
 5 bowie,sam         147  2.4  43  0.7 141  2.3  90  1.5 15.1 176 2.8  480  7.7
 6 petrovic,drazen    66  1.5  37  0.9  54  1.3   1  0.0 10.3  41 1.0   92  2.1
 7 anderson,cadilla    1  1.0   2  2.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 15.8   4 4.0    6  6.0
 8 gervin,derrick     30  0.5  19  0.3   0  0.0  19  0.3  5.7  40 0.7  110  2.0
 9 dudley,chris       37  0.6  39  0.6  80  1.3 153  2.5 11.8 229 3.8  511  8.4
10 haley,jack         31  0.4  20  0.3   0  0.0  21  0.3  7.0 140 1.8  356  4.6
11 mills,terry        17  0.4  19  0.5  23  0.6  20  0.5  6.1  51 1.3  141  3.7
12 hinson,roy          4  0.4   0  0.0   6  0.7   3  0.3  3.9   6 0.7   19  2.1
13 conner,lester      58  1.7  37  1.1  29  0.8   1  0.0  5.4  11 0.3   57  1.6
14 george,tate       104  1.9  25  0.4  42  0.8   5  0.1  3.3  19 0.3   47  0.8
15 buechler,jud       51  0.7  33  0.4  26  0.4  15  0.2  3.9  61 0.8  141  1.9
16 lee,kurk           34  0.7  11  0.2   0  0.0   2  0.0  1.7   7 0.1   30  0.6

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19830 3311 7459  .444  161  586 .275 1658 2245 .739 8441 106.76 102.9
Opponents 19830 3374 7206  .468  136  442 .308 1927 2493 .773 8811 115.82 107.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1782 1954  748 1423  600    0    0    0 1400 3748  45.7
Opponents 1737 1896  831 1452  540    0    0    0 1287 3814  46.5

Record 26 - 56         Home 20 - 21         Away  6 - 35

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 theus,reggie     2955 1510   21.05   0   0   0 231  24.53
 2 coleman,derrick  2602 1364   26.85   0   0   0 217  25.16
 3 blaylock,mookie  2585 1017   18.67   0   0   0 180  18.88
 4 morris,chris     2553 1042   22.42   0   0   0 248  19.59
 5 bowie,sam        1916  801   23.45   0   0   0 175  20.07
 6 petrovic,drazen   882  543   24.03   0   0   0 111  29.55
 7 anderson,cadilla   18    8   42.00   0   0   0   4  21.33
 8 gervin,derrick    743  425   20.65   0   0   0  88  27.46
 9 dudley,chris     1560  434   22.22   0   0   0 217  13.35
10 haley,jack       1178  434   22.14   0   0   0 199  17.68
11 mills,terry       540  187   20.69   0   0   0  56  16.62
12 hinson,roy         91   41   18.46   0   0   0  14  21.63
13 conner,lester     489  145   18.67   0   0   0  38  14.23
14 george,tate       594  192   15.06   0   0   0  58  15.52
15 buechler,jud      859  232   16.01   0   0   0  79  12.96
16 lee,kurk          265   66   14.72   0   0   0  39  11.95

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 theus,reggie        6.1    1.4    4.1    0.6    1.1    3.7
 2 coleman,derrick     3.0    1.3    4.0    1.8    5.0   14.0
 3 blaylock,mookie     8.2    3.1    3.8    0.7    1.2    4.6
 4 morris,chris        4.1    2.6    3.5    1.8    3.9    9.8
 5 bowie,sam           3.7    1.1    3.5    2.3    4.4   12.0
 6 petrovic,drazen     3.6    2.0    2.9    0.1    2.2    5.0
 7 anderson,cadilla    2.7    5.3    0.0    0.0   10.7   16.0
 8 gervin,derrick      1.9    1.2    0.0    1.2    2.6    7.1
 9 dudley,chris        1.1    1.2    2.5    4.7    7.0   15.7
10 haley,jack          1.3    0.8    0.0    0.9    5.7   14.5
11 mills,terry         1.5    1.7    2.0    1.8    4.5   12.5
12 hinson,roy          2.1    0.0    3.2    1.6    3.2   10.0
13 conner,lester       5.7    3.6    2.8    0.1    1.1    5.6
14 george,tate         8.4    2.0    3.4    0.4    1.5    3.8
15 buechler,jud        2.8    1.8    1.5    0.8    3.4    7.9
16 lee,kurk            6.2    2.0    0.0    0.4    1.3    5.4