
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 johnson,larry     PF 82 40.5  728 1385 .526  18  71 .254  336  438 .767 22.1
 2 mourning,alonzo    C 78 33.9  572 1119 .511   0   3 .000  495  634 .781 21.0
 3 gill,kendall      SG 69 35.2  463 1032 .449  17  62 .274  224  290 .772 16.9
 4 curry,dell        SG 80 26.2  498 1102 .452  95 237 .401  136  157 .866 15.3
 5 newman,johnny     SF 64 23.0  279  534 .522  12  45 .267  194  240 .808 11.9
 6 bogues,muggsy     PG 81 35.0  331  730 .453   6  26 .231  140  168 .833 10.0
 7 reid,j.r.         PF 17 17.4   42   98 .429   0   1 .000   43   58 .741  7.5
 8 gattison,kenny    PF 75 19.6  203  384 .529   0   3 .000  102  169 .604  6.8
 9 wingate,david     SF 72 20.4  180  336 .536   1   6 .167   79  107 .738  6.1
10 bennett,tony      PG 75 11.4  110  260 .423  26  80 .325   30   41 .732  3.7
11 gminski,mike       C 34  7.4   42   83 .506   0   0 .000    9   10 .900  2.7
12 hammonds,tom      SF 19  7.5   19   45 .422   0   0 .000    5    8 .625  2.3
13 lynch,kevin       PF 40  8.1   30   59 .508   0   1 .000   26   38 .684  2.1
14 green,sidney      PF 24  5.3   14   40 .350   0   2 .000   12   16 .750  1.7
15 williams,lorenzo  ??  2  9.0    1    3 .333   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.0
16 team              ??  1  1.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 johnson,larry     353  4.3  53  0.6 227  2.8  27  0.3 25.0 281 3.4  864 10.5
 2 mourning,alonzo    76  1.0  27  0.3 236  3.0 271  3.5 22.1 263 3.4  805 10.3
 3 gill,kendall      268  3.9  98  1.4 174  2.5  36  0.5 16.6 120 1.7  340  4.9
 4 curry,dell        180  2.2  87  1.1 129  1.6  23  0.3 13.4  51 0.6  286  3.6
 5 newman,johnny     117  1.8  45  0.7  90  1.4  19  0.3 10.8  72 1.1  143  2.2
 6 bogues,muggsy     711  8.8 161  2.0 154  1.9   5  0.1 18.0  51 0.6  298  3.7
 7 reid,j.r.          24  1.4  11  0.6  24  1.4   5  0.3  7.1  20 1.2   70  4.1
 8 gattison,kenny     68  0.9  48  0.6  64  0.9  55  0.7  8.3 108 1.4  353  4.7
 9 wingate,david     183  2.5  66  0.9  89  1.2   9  0.1  8.5  49 0.7  174  2.4
10 bennett,tony      136  1.8  30  0.4  50  0.7   0  0.0  3.5  12 0.2   63  0.8
11 gminski,mike        7  0.2   1  0.0  11  0.3   9  0.3  3.6  34 1.0   85  2.5
12 hammonds,tom        8  0.4   0  0.0   3  0.2   4  0.2  2.6   5 0.3   31  1.6
13 lynch,kevin        25  0.6  11  0.3  24  0.6   6  0.1  2.0  12 0.3   35  0.9
14 green,sidney        5  0.2   1  0.0   9  0.4   2  0.1  2.0  14 0.6   47  2.0
15 williams,lorenzo    0  0.0   0  0.0   2  1.0   2  1.0  3.2   3 1.5    9  4.5
16 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  38  9.9   0  0.0 -9.9   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19754 3512 7210  .487  175  537 .326 1831 2374 .771 9030 122.40 110.1
Opponents 19755 3634 7698  .472  234  753 .311 1548 2080 .744 9050 121.09 110.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2161 1789  639 1324  473   42    3    4 1095 3603  43.9
Opponents 2277 1923  599 1242  445   38   12   16 1350 3753  45.8

Record 44 - 38         Home 22 - 19         Away 22 - 19

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 johnson,larry    3323 1810   29.64  11   1   1 187  26.15
 2 mourning,alonzo  2644 1639   31.25  15   2   2 286  29.75
 3 gill,kendall     2430 1167   22.65   3   0   0 191  23.05
 4 curry,dell       2094 1227   24.58   2   0   0 150  28.13
 5 newman,johnny    1471  764   22.49   3   0   0 154  24.93
 6 bogues,muggsy    2833  808   24.70   6   0   0 179  13.69
 7 reid,j.r.         295  127   19.62   0   0   1  49  20.66
 8 gattison,kenny   1473  508   20.28   0   0   0 237  16.55
 9 wingate,david    1471  440   20.06   2   0   0 135  14.36
10 bennett,tony      857  276   14.60   0   0   0 110  15.46
11 gminski,mike      251   93   23.54   0   0   0  28  17.78
12 hammonds,tom      142   43   16.82   0   0   0  20  14.54
13 lynch,kevin       324   86   11.83   0   0   0  43  12.74
14 green,sidney      127   40   17.78   0   0   0  16  15.12
15 williams,lorenzo   18    2   17.33   0   0   0   4   5.33
16 team                1    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 johnson,larry       5.1    0.8    3.3    0.4    4.1   12.5
 2 mourning,alonzo     1.4    0.5    4.3    4.9    4.8   14.6
 3 gill,kendall        5.3    1.9    3.4    0.7    2.4    6.7
 4 curry,dell          4.1    2.0    3.0    0.5    1.2    6.6
 5 newman,johnny       3.8    1.5    2.9    0.6    2.3    4.7
 6 bogues,muggsy      12.0    2.7    2.6    0.1    0.9    5.0
 7 reid,j.r.           3.9    1.8    3.9    0.8    3.3   11.4
 8 gattison,kenny      2.2    1.6    2.1    1.8    3.5   11.5
 9 wingate,david       6.0    2.2    2.9    0.3    1.6    5.7
10 bennett,tony        7.6    1.7    2.8    0.0    0.7    3.5
11 gminski,mike        1.3    0.2    2.1    1.7    6.5   16.3
12 hammonds,tom        2.7    0.0    1.0    1.4    1.7   10.5
13 lynch,kevin         3.7    1.6    3.6    0.9    1.8    5.2
14 green,sidney        1.9    0.4    3.4    0.8    5.3   17.8
15 williams,lorenzo    0.0    0.0    5.3    5.3    8.0   24.0
16 team                0.0    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0