
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 robinson,cliff    PF 82 34.8  641 1404 .457  13  53 .245  352  460 .765 20.1
 2 drexler,clyde     SG 68 34.3  473 1105 .428  71 219 .324  286  368 .777 19.2
 3 strickland,rod    PG 82 35.2  528 1093 .483   2  10 .200  353  471 .749 17.2
 4 porter,terry      PG 77 26.9  348  836 .416 110 282 .390  204  234 .872 13.1
 5 grant,harvey      SF 77 27.4  356  774 .460   2   7 .286   84  131 .641 10.4
 6 williams,buck     PF 81 32.5  291  524 .555   0   1 .000  201  296 .679  9.7
 7 murray,tracy      SF 66 12.4  167  355 .470  50 109 .459   50   72 .694  6.6
 8 kersey,jerome     SF 78 16.4  203  469 .433   1   8 .125  101  135 .748  6.5
 9 bryant,mark       PF 79 18.2  185  384 .482   0   1 .000   72  104 .692  5.6
10 robinson,james    PG 58 11.6  104  285 .365  23  73 .315   45   67 .672  4.8
11 jackson,jaren     SG 29  6.4   34   87 .391   0   6 .000   12   14 .857  2.8
12 dudley,chris       C  6 14.3    6   25 .240   0   0 .000    2    4 .500  2.3
13 smith,reggie      PF 43  7.3   29   72 .403   0   0 .000   18   38 .474  1.8
14 thompson,kevin     C 14  4.1    6   14 .429   0   1 .000    1    2 .500  0.9
15 team              ??  1  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 robinson,cliff    159  1.9 118  1.4 169  2.1 111  1.4 16.4 164 2.0  550  6.7
 2 drexler,clyde     333  4.9  98  1.4 167  2.5  34  0.5 21.1 155 2.3  445  6.5
 3 strickland,rod    740  9.0 147  1.8 257  3.1  24  0.3 22.5 122 1.5  370  4.5
 4 porter,terry      401  5.2  79  1.0 166  2.2  18  0.2 13.5  45 0.6  215  2.8
 5 grant,harvey      107  1.4  70  0.9  56  0.7  49  0.6 11.6 109 1.4  351  4.6
 6 williams,buck      80  1.0  58  0.7 111  1.4  47  0.6 14.4 315 3.9  843 10.4
 7 murray,tracy       31  0.5  21  0.3  37  0.6  20  0.3  5.7  43 0.7  111  1.7
 8 kersey,jerome      75  1.0  71  0.9  63  0.8  49  0.6  8.2 130 1.7  331  4.2
 9 bryant,mark        37  0.5  32  0.4  66  0.8  29  0.4  5.2 117 1.5  315  4.0
10 robinson,james     68  1.2  30  0.5  52  0.9  15  0.3  3.3  34 0.6   78  1.3
11 jackson,jaren      27  0.9   4  0.1  14  0.5   2  0.1  2.2   6 0.2   17  0.6
12 dudley,chris        5  0.8   4  0.7   2  0.3   3  0.5  3.0  16 2.7   24  4.0
13 smith,reggie        4  0.1  12  0.3  12  0.3   6  0.1  2.2  40 0.9   99  2.3
14 thompson,kevin      3  0.2   0  0.0   5  0.4   2  0.1  0.5   4 0.3   10  0.7
15 team                0  0.0   0  0.0   4  4.0   0  0.0 -5.0   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 3371 7427  .454  272  770 .353 1781 2396 .743 8795 117.87 107.3
Opponents 19755 3311 7057  .469  296  830 .357 1661 2216 .750 8579 112.16 104.6

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2070 1827  744 1181  409   56    7    3 1300 3759  45.8
Opponents 2094 1944  654 1341  393   27    4    4 1016 3497  42.6

Record 47 - 35         Home 30 - 11         Away 17 - 24

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 robinson,cliff   2853 1647   22.68  10   1   1 263  27.71
 2 drexler,clyde    2334 1303   29.54   8   2   0 202  26.80
 3 strickland,rod   2889 1411   30.60   7   2   0 171  23.44
 4 porter,terry     2074 1010   24.12   0   0   0 132  23.38
 5 grant,harvey     2112  798   20.28   4   0   0 179  18.14
 6 williams,buck    2636  783   21.19  17   1   1 239  14.26
 7 murray,tracy      820  434   22.07   0   0   0  76  25.40
 8 kersey,jerome    1276  508   24.16   5   0   1 213  19.11
 9 bryant,mark      1441  442   13.60   5   1   0 187  14.72
10 robinson,james    673  276   13.70   0   0   0  69  19.68
11 jackson,jaren     187   80   16.62   0   0   0  20  20.53
12 dudley,chris       86   14    9.98   0   0   0  18   7.81
13 smith,reggie      316   76   14.37   0   0   0  47  11.54
14 thompson,kevin     58   13    5.44   0   0   0  11  10.76
15 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 robinson,cliff      2.7    2.0    2.8    1.9    2.8    9.3
 2 drexler,clyde       6.8    2.0    3.4    0.7    3.2    9.2
 3 strickland,rod     12.3    2.4    4.3    0.4    2.0    6.1
 4 porter,terry        9.3    1.8    3.8    0.4    1.0    5.0
 5 grant,harvey        2.4    1.6    1.3    1.1    2.5    8.0
 6 williams,buck       1.5    1.1    2.0    0.9    5.7   15.4
 7 murray,tracy        1.8    1.2    2.2    1.2    2.5    6.5
 8 kersey,jerome       2.8    2.7    2.4    1.8    4.9   12.5
 9 bryant,mark         1.2    1.1    2.2    1.0    3.9   10.5
10 robinson,james      4.8    2.1    3.7    1.1    2.4    5.6
11 jackson,jaren       6.9    1.0    3.6    0.5    1.5    4.4
12 dudley,chris        2.8    2.2    1.1    1.7    8.9   13.4
13 smith,reggie        0.6    1.8    1.8    0.9    6.1   15.0
14 thompson,kevin      2.5    0.0    4.1    1.7    3.3    8.3
15 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0