
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 mourning,alonzo    C 77 38.1  571 1101 .519  11  34 .324  490  644 .761 21.3
 2 johnson,larry     PF 81 39.8  585 1219 .480  81 210 .386  274  354 .774 18.8
 3 hawkins,hersey    ?? 82 33.4  390  809 .482 131 298 .440  261  301 .867 14.3
 4 curry,dell        SG 69 24.9  343  778 .441 154 361 .427   95  111 .856 13.6
 5 burrell,scott     SF 65 31.0  277  593 .467  96 235 .409  100  144 .694 11.5
 6 bogues,muggsy     PG 78 33.6  348  730 .477   6  30 .200  160  180 .889 11.1
 7 adams,michael     PG 29 15.3   67  148 .453  29  81 .358   25   30 .833  6.5
 8 gattison,kenny    ?? 21 19.6   47  100 .470   0   1 .000   31   51 .608  6.0
 9 sutton,greg       PG 53 13.1   94  230 .409  43 115 .374   32   45 .711  5.0
10 parish,robert      C 81 16.8  159  372 .427   0   0 .000   71  101 .703  4.8
11 bennett,tony      ??  3 15.3    6   13 .462   2   9 .222    0    0 .000  4.7
12 hancock,darrin    ?? 46  9.3   68  121 .562   1   3 .333   16   39 .410  3.3
13 wingate,david     ?? 52  9.8   50  122 .410   4  22 .182   18   24 .750  2.3
14 wolf,joe          PF 63  9.3   38   81 .469   2   6 .333   12   16 .750  1.4
15 tolbert,tom       SF 10  5.7    6   18 .333   0   4 .000    2    2 1.00  1.4
16 blackwell,james   ??  4  4.8    2    3 .667   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.0
17 team              ?? 82  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 mourning,alonzo   111  1.4  49  0.6 241  3.1 225  2.9 22.6 200 2.6  761  9.9
 2 johnson,larry     369  4.6  78  1.0 207  2.6  28  0.3 19.9 190 2.3  585  7.2
 3 hawkins,hersey    262  3.2 122  1.5 150  1.8  18  0.2 15.5  60 0.7  314  3.8
 4 curry,dell        113  1.6  55  0.8  98  1.4  18  0.3  9.9  41 0.6  168  2.4
 5 burrell,scott     161  2.5  75  1.2  85  1.3  40  0.6 13.8  96 1.5  368  5.7
 6 bogues,muggsy     675  8.7 103  1.3 132  1.7   0  0.0 16.7  51 0.7  257  3.3
 7 adams,michael      95  3.3  23  0.8  26  0.9   1  0.0  7.0   6 0.2   29  1.0
 8 gattison,kenny     17  0.8   7  0.3  22  1.0  15  0.7  5.8  21 1.0   75  3.6
 9 sutton,greg        91  1.7  33  0.6  51  1.0   2  0.0  3.2   8 0.2   56  1.1
10 parish,robert      44  0.5  27  0.3  66  0.8  36  0.4  5.8  93 1.1  350  4.3
11 bennett,tony        4  1.3   0  0.0   3  1.0   0  0.0  2.4   0 0.0    2  0.7
12 hancock,darrin     30  0.7  19  0.4  30  0.7   4  0.1  3.2  14 0.3   53  1.2
13 wingate,david      56  1.1  19  0.4  27  0.5   7  0.1  2.8  11 0.2   60  1.2
14 wolf,joe           37  0.6   9  0.1  22  0.3   6  0.1  2.3  34 0.5  129  2.0
15 tolbert,tom         2  0.2   0  0.0   3  0.3   0  0.0  1.3   7 0.7   17  1.7
16 blackwell,james     5  1.2   1  0.2   2  0.5   0  0.0  2.6   0 0.0    3  0.8
17 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  43  0.5   0  0.0 -0.7   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19805 3051 6438  .474  560 1409 .397 1587 2042 .777 8249 112.72 100.6
Opponents 19805 3088 6807  .454  429 1289 .333 1375 1859 .740 7980 102.84  97.3

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2072 1685  620 1208  400   29    1    1  832 3227  39.4
Opponents 1901 1856  533 1194  369   34    0    3 1100 3463  42.2

Record 50 - 32         Home 29 - 12         Away 21 - 20

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 mourning,alonzo  2937 1643   28.43   7   0   1 275  26.85
 2 johnson,larry    3226 1525   23.93   8   1   0 174  22.69
 3 hawkins,hersey   2735 1172   22.24   1   0   0 178  20.57
 4 curry,dell       1718  935   19.06   2   0   0 144  26.12
 5 burrell,scott    2014  750   21.43   1   0   0 187  17.87
 6 bogues,muggsy    2624  862   23.79   5   0   0 151  15.77
 7 adams,michael     443  188   22.01   0   0   0  41  20.37
 8 gattison,kenny    412  125   14.16   1   0   0  64  14.56
 9 sutton,greg       694  263   11.84   1   0   0 114  18.19
10 parish,robert    1360  389   16.63   0   0   0 132  13.73
11 bennett,tony       46   14    7.57   0   0   0   6  14.61
12 hancock,darrin    427  153   16.33   0   0   0  48  17.20
13 wingate,david     510  122   13.46   1   0   0  60  11.48
14 wolf,joe          583   90   12.06   2   0   0 101   7.41
15 tolbert,tom        57   14   10.80   0   0   0   9  11.79
16 blackwell,james    19    4   26.53   0   0   0   1  10.11
17 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 mourning,alonzo     1.8    0.8    3.9    3.7    3.3   12.4
 2 johnson,larry       5.5    1.2    3.1    0.4    2.8    8.7
 3 hawkins,hersey      4.6    2.1    2.6    0.3    1.1    5.5
 4 curry,dell          3.2    1.5    2.7    0.5    1.1    4.7
 5 burrell,scott       3.8    1.8    2.0    1.0    2.3    8.8
 6 bogues,muggsy      12.3    1.9    2.4    0.0    0.9    4.7
 7 adams,michael      10.3    2.5    2.8    0.1    0.7    3.1
 8 gattison,kenny      2.0    0.8    2.6    1.7    2.4    8.7
 9 sutton,greg         6.3    2.3    3.5    0.1    0.6    3.9
10 parish,robert       1.6    1.0    2.3    1.3    3.3   12.4
11 bennett,tony        4.2    0.0    3.1    0.0    0.0    2.1
12 hancock,darrin      3.4    2.1    3.4    0.4    1.6    6.0
13 wingate,david       5.3    1.8    2.5    0.7    1.0    5.6
14 wolf,joe            3.0    0.7    1.8    0.5    2.8   10.6
15 tolbert,tom         1.7    0.0    2.5    0.0    5.9   14.3
16 blackwell,james    12.6    2.5    5.1    0.0    0.0    7.6
17 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0