
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 iverson,allen     PG 80 39.4  649 1407 .461  70 235 .298  390  535 .729 22.0
 2 coleman,derrick   PF 59 36.2  356  867 .411  26  98 .265  302  391 .772 17.6
 3 stackhouse,jerry  SG 22 34.0  128  283 .452  16  46 .348   81  101 .802 16.0
 4 jackson,jimmy     SG 48 37.2  246  535 .460  39 112 .348  126  154 .818 13.7
 5 ratliff,theo       C 58 32.1  249  486 .512   0   0 .000  154  218 .706 11.2
 6 thomas,tim        PF 77 23.1  306  684 .447  62 171 .363  171  231 .740 11.0
 7 smith,joe         PF 30 23.3  121  270 .448   0   1 .000   67   85 .788 10.3
 8 weatherspoon,cla  SF 48 26.9  141  331 .426   0   0 .000  123  174 .707  8.4
 9 shaw,brian        PG 20 25.1   51  139 .367   7  28 .250   12   19 .632  6.0
10 chambers,tom      PF  1 10.0    2    2 1.00   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  6.0
11 cummings,terry    PF 44 14.9   97  212 .458   0   1 .000   39   58 .672  5.3
12 benjamin,benoit    C 14 14.1   22   41 .537   0   0 .000   19   30 .633  4.5
13 williams,scott     C 58 13.8   93  213 .437   0   5 .000   51   63 .810  4.1
14 davis,mark        SF 71 12.8  109  244 .447   0   6 .000   64  101 .634  4.0
15 snow,eric         PG 47 18.0   69  161 .429   2  16 .125   44   61 .721  3.9
16 mckie,aaron       SG 57 23.5   96  277 .347   9  46 .196   22   32 .688  3.9
17 montross,eric      C 20 16.9   30   76 .395   0   0 .000    7   19 .368  3.4
18 overton,doug      PG 23 12.0   24   63 .381   0   3 .000   14   16 .875  2.7
19 stewart,kebu      SF 15  7.3   12   26 .462   0   0 .000   16   25 .640  2.7
20 walters,rex       PG 19  6.7   11   29 .379   3  14 .214   17   17 1.00  2.2
21 parker,anthony    SG 37  5.3   25   63 .397   9  28 .321   13   20 .650  1.9
22 cunningham,willi   C  1  1.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 iverson,allen     494  6.2 176  2.2 244  3.0  25  0.3 21.3  86 1.1  296  3.7
 2 coleman,derrick   145  2.5  46  0.8 157  2.7  68  1.2 18.8 149 2.5  587  9.9
 3 stackhouse,jerry   67  3.0  31  1.4  74  3.4  21  1.0 13.3  28 1.3   76  3.5
 4 jackson,jimmy     223  4.6  41  0.9 145  3.0   6  0.1 14.5  69 1.4  227  4.7
 5 ratliff,theo       42  0.7  38  0.7  82  1.4 203  3.5 15.6 176 3.0  427  7.4
 6 thomas,tim         90  1.2  54  0.7 118  1.5  17  0.2  9.2 107 1.4  288  3.7
 7 smith,joe          27  0.9  18  0.6  52  1.7  13  0.4  8.0  58 1.9  133  4.4
 8 weatherspoon,cla   40  0.8  43  0.9  69  1.4  52  1.1 11.3 109 2.3  336  7.0
 9 shaw,brian         88  4.4  14  0.7  24  1.2   3  0.1  8.5  17 0.8   64  3.2
10 chambers,tom        0  0.0   2  2.0   1  1.0   0  0.0  8.2   0 0.0    2  2.0
11 cummings,terry     21  0.5  22  0.5  17  0.4   4  0.1  5.4  55 1.2  148  3.4
12 benjamin,benoit     3  0.2   4  0.3  12  0.9   4  0.3  5.4  18 1.3   53  3.8
13 williams,scott     29  0.5  17  0.3  30  0.5  21  0.4  5.1  87 1.5  211  3.6
14 davis,mark         73  1.0  49  0.7  91  1.3  19  0.3  4.2  64 0.9  158  2.2
15 snow,eric         164  3.5  60  1.3  51  1.1   4  0.1  7.1  19 0.4   77  1.6
16 mckie,aaron       137  2.4  78  1.4  52  0.9  12  0.2  6.3  34 0.6  163  2.9
17 montross,eric       7  0.3   7  0.3  15  0.8  12  0.6  4.4  28 1.4   92  4.6
18 overton,doug       37  1.6   8  0.3  23  1.0   1  0.0  2.1   2 0.1   14  0.6
19 stewart,kebu        2  0.1   5  0.3   8  0.5   2  0.1  3.1   9 0.6   31  2.1
20 walters,rex        21  1.1   5  0.3  17  0.9   0  0.0  2.0   3 0.2    9  0.5
21 parker,anthony     19  0.5  11  0.3  11  0.3   3  0.1  2.1   8 0.2   26  0.7
22 cunningham,willi    0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  2.0   0 0.0    2  2.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 2837 6409  .443  243  810 .300 1734 2352 .737 7651 100.94  93.3
Opponents 19755 2906 6440  .451  384 1115 .344 1651 2262 .730 7847 109.25  95.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1729 1878  729 1293  490   36    6    3 1126 3420  41.7
Opponents 1927 1904  766 1269  508   25    3    4 1115 3456  42.1

Record 31 - 51         Home 19 - 22         Away 12 - 29

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 iverson,allen    3150 1758   25.95  13   1   0 200   2  80  26.79
 2 coleman,derrick  2135 1040   24.91  11   3   2 144   1  58  23.38
 3 stackhouse,jerry  748  353   18.80   2   0   0  56   1  22  22.65
 4 jackson,jimmy    1788  657   18.74   1   0   0 112   0  47  17.64
 5 ratliff,theo     1861  652   23.32   2   1   0 209   6  55  16.82
 6 thomas,tim       1779  845   19.18   2   0   0 185   2  48  22.80
 7 smith,joe         699  309   16.57   0   0   0  94   0   6  21.22
 8 weatherspoon,cla 1290  405   20.13   0   0   0 108   1  18  15.07
 9 shaw,brian        502  121   16.25   0   0   0  55   1   2  11.57
10 chambers,tom       10    6   39.60   0   0   0   2   0   0  28.80
11 cummings,terry    656  233   17.41   2   0   1 102   1   2  17.05
12 benjamin,benoit   197   63   18.58   0   0   0  26   0   0  15.35
13 williams,scott    801  237   17.74   1   0   0 132   0   7  14.20
14 davis,mark        906  282   15.62   2   1   0  95   1  12  14.94
15 snow,eric         844  184   18.90   0   0   0  99   0   0  10.46
16 mckie,aaron      1341  223   12.95   0   0   0 117   0  31   7.98
17 montross,eric     337   67   12.43   0   0   0  61   0  20   9.54
18 overton,doug      277   62    8.23   0   0   0  34   0   2  10.74
19 stewart,kebu      110   40   20.40   0   0   0  13   0   0  17.45
20 walters,rex       127   42   14.08   0   0   0  17   0   0  15.87
21 parker,anthony    196   72   19.41   0   0   0  17   0   0  17.63
22 cunningham,willi    1    0   96.00   0   0   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 iverson,allen       7.5    2.7    3.7    0.4    1.3    4.5
 2 coleman,derrick     3.3    1.0    3.5    1.5    3.3   13.2
 3 stackhouse,jerry    4.3    2.0    4.7    1.3    1.8    4.9
 4 jackson,jimmy       6.0    1.1    3.9    0.2    1.9    6.1
 5 ratliff,theo        1.1    1.0    2.1    5.2    4.5   11.0
 6 thomas,tim          2.4    1.5    3.2    0.5    2.9    7.8
 7 smith,joe           1.9    1.2    3.6    0.9    4.0    9.1
 8 weatherspoon,cla    1.5    1.6    2.6    1.9    4.1   12.5
 9 shaw,brian          8.4    1.3    2.3    0.3    1.6    6.1
10 chambers,tom        0.0    9.6    4.8    0.0    0.0    9.6
11 cummings,terry      1.5    1.6    1.2    0.3    4.0   10.8
12 benjamin,benoit     0.7    1.0    2.9    1.0    4.4   12.9
13 williams,scott      1.7    1.0    1.8    1.3    5.2   12.6
14 davis,mark          3.9    2.6    4.8    1.0    3.4    8.4
15 snow,eric           9.3    3.4    2.9    0.2    1.1    4.4
16 mckie,aaron         4.9    2.8    1.9    0.4    1.2    5.8
17 montross,eric       1.0    1.0    2.1    1.7    4.0   13.1
18 overton,doug        6.4    1.4    4.0    0.2    0.3    2.4
19 stewart,kebu        0.9    2.2    3.5    0.9    3.9   13.5
20 walters,rex         7.9    1.9    6.4    0.0    1.1    3.4
21 parker,anthony      4.7    2.7    2.7    0.7    2.0    6.4
22 cunningham,willi    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   96.0