NJNets (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 vanhorn,keith     PF 17 38.5  139  307 .453   7  17 .412  132  143 .923 24.5
 2 marbury,stephon   PG 25 39.8  202  464 .435  50 133 .376  124  144 .861 23.1
 3 kittles,kerry     SG 24 31.4  121  306 .395  31  89 .348   39   49 .796 13.0
 4 gill,kendall      SG 25 33.0  129  311 .415   2  11 .182   44   71 .620 12.2
 5 williams,jayson    C  5 37.2   23   47 .489   0   1 .000    8   18 .444 10.8
 6 burrell,scott     SF  8 21.5   23   49 .469  13  24 .542    6    7 .857  8.1
 7 feick,jamie       PF 25 32.9   65  130 .500   0   0 .000   42   58 .724  6.9
 8 harris,lucious    SG 23 18.0   52  120 .433   9  35 .257   25   34 .735  6.0
 9 carr,chris        SG 24 12.3   51  144 .354  20  51 .392   18   29 .621  5.8
10 hendrickson,mark  PF 22 18.1   39   88 .443   0   1 .000   42   50 .840  5.5
11 vaughn,david      PF 10 10.3   13   24 .542   0   0 .000    8   10 .800  3.4
12 perry,elliot      PG 25  8.5   24   73 .329   7  18 .389    7   10 .700  2.5
13 seikaly,rony       C  1  6.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.0
14 cunningham,willi   C 15 10.7    3   18 .167   0   0 .000    0    2 .000  0.4
15 muresan,gheorghe   C  1  1.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 vanhorn,keith      28  1.6  19  1.1  45  2.6  21  1.2 22.9  47 2.8  144  8.5
 2 marbury,stephon   224  9.0  25  1.0  89  3.6   3  0.1 22.7  16 0.6   68  2.7
 3 kittles,kerry      40  1.7  40  1.7  21  0.9  13  0.5 12.5  27 1.1   95  4.0
 4 gill,kendall       62  2.5  85  3.4  22  0.9  17  0.7 14.5  30 1.2  119  4.8
 5 williams,jayson     5  1.0   2  0.4   8  1.6  12  2.4 18.6  25 5.0   67 13.4
 6 burrell,scott      11  1.4  15  1.9   6  0.8   0  0.0 12.0   9 1.1   33  4.1
 7 feick,jamie        21  0.8  25  1.0  34  1.4  17  0.7 14.8 108 4.3  278 11.1
 8 harris,lucious     24  1.0  15  0.7   8  0.3   5  0.2  6.3  13 0.6   47  2.0
 9 carr,chris         15  0.6   6  0.2  20  0.8   1  0.0  3.6  19 0.8   49  2.0
10 hendrickson,mark   13  0.6  12  0.5  15  0.7   1  0.0  5.9  27 1.2   68  3.1
11 vaughn,david        1  0.1   2  0.2  11  1.1   8  0.8  4.3  13 1.3   34  3.4
12 perry,elliot       32  1.3  14  0.6  25  1.0   0  0.0  2.2   5 0.2   22  0.9
13 seikaly,rony        0  0.0   0  0.0   1  1.0   0  0.0 -1.8   0 0.0    0  0.0
14 cunningham,willi    1  0.1   1  0.1   5  0.3  11  0.7  0.6  13 0.9   28  1.9
15 muresan,gheorghe    0  0.0   0  0.0   1  1.0   0  0.0 -2.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     6000  884 2083  .424  139  380 .366  496  627 .791 2403 105.61  96.1
Opponents  6000  942 1978  .476  121  343 .353  425  576 .738 2430 106.98  97.2

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     477  515  261  311  109    3    1    1  352 1052  42.1
Opponents  479  520  182  387  156   12    2    4  303 1077  43.1

Record 11 - 14         Home  8 -  7         Away  3 -  7

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 vanhorn,keith     655  417   28.51   0   0   0  51   0  17  30.56
 2 marbury,stephon   994  578   27.38   0   0   1  66   0  25  27.91
 3 kittles,kerry     753  312   19.08   0   0   0  40   0  19  19.89
 4 gill,kendall      824  304   21.07   0   0   0  80   1  23  17.71
 5 williams,jayson   186   54   24.06   0   0   0  19   0   5  13.94
 6 burrell,scott     172   65   26.79   0   0   0  14   0   5  18.14
 7 feick,jamie       822  172   21.66   2   1   0  72   0  16  10.04
 8 harris,lucious    415  138   16.68   0   0   0  33   0   1  15.96
 9 carr,chris        296  140   13.99   0   0   0  33   0   2  22.70
10 hendrickson,mark  399  120   15.52   0   0   0  39   0   6  14.44
11 vaughn,david      103   34   20.04   0   0   0  22   0   0  15.84
12 perry,elliot      213   62   12.45   0   0   0  16   0   0  13.97
13 seikaly,rony        6    1   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0   0   8.00
14 cunningham,willi  161    6    2.76   1   0   0  30   0   6   1.79
15 muresan,gheorghe    1    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 vanhorn,keith       2.1    1.4    3.3    1.5    3.4   10.6
 2 marbury,stephon    10.8    1.2    4.3    0.1    0.8    3.3
 3 kittles,kerry       2.5    2.5    1.3    0.8    1.7    6.1
 4 gill,kendall        3.6    5.0    1.3    1.0    1.7    6.9
 5 williams,jayson     1.3    0.5    2.1    3.1    6.5   17.3
 6 burrell,scott       3.1    4.2    1.7    0.0    2.5    9.2
 7 feick,jamie         1.2    1.5    2.0    1.0    6.3   16.2
 8 harris,lucious      2.8    1.7    0.9    0.6    1.5    5.4
 9 carr,chris          2.4    1.0    3.2    0.2    3.1    7.9
10 hendrickson,mark    1.6    1.4    1.8    0.1    3.2    8.2
11 vaughn,david        0.5    0.9    5.1    3.7    6.1   15.8
12 perry,elliot        7.2    3.2    5.6    0.0    1.1    5.0
13 seikaly,rony        0.0    0.0    8.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
14 cunningham,willi    0.3    0.3    1.5    3.3    3.9    8.3
15 muresan,gheorghe    0.0    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0